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Mobility Aids At Home, On the Go, and at Public Places


For more information on home and business accessibility issues, browse through the links below: To learn about the accessibility requirements in the Americans with Disabilities Act, visit this page from Take a look at this page from the National Association of Home Builders to learn about residential accessibility laws. Does a loved one need…

Economics & Government: What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?


When building a public facility, there are many different laws and regulations that need to be considered during the construction and design process. One of those laws is the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires all public facilities to be accessible to individuals with physical handicaps. This video discusses some of the major features of…

Wheelchair And Chair Lift Safety Information For Your Home


Take a look at the links below to learn more about wheelchair safety and how you can make your home more accessible. There are many options out there for people with disabilities. Read more about the ADA’s guidelines for wheelchair safety and other regulations. This handy article outlines the steps to using a chair lift…

iTunes App: CitiRoller


CitiRoller is an app for the iPhone produced by Papa Products that makes life much easier for someone in a wheelchair. As anyone with a disability knows, not all buildings and structures are set up to accommodate all access needs. CitiRoller can help you locate places and services around your city that are wheelchair-friendly. For…

Characteristics Of A Well-Equipped, Wheelchair Friendly Home


Although it can be tough living with a disability, wheel-chair friendly technology can enable you to live your life with minimal inconveniences. With a few additions to your home, you can maintain the mobility and independence you need in your life. Here are a few examples of the features and improvements of the kind you’ll find…

Wheelchairs and Wheelchair Lift Resources From Around The Web


Living with a physical disability doesn’t have to mean living without the freedom of mobility. There are a number of different mobility aids available to make your life as easy, comfortable, and as convenient as possible. If you’d like to know more, then be sure to check out some of these great resources! If you…