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Cerebral Palsy and Mobility: How Assistive Devices Can Enhance the Lives of Individuals With Cerebral Palsy

cerebral palsy and mobility

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that is caused by injury or malformation to a child’s brain while it is still under development. Cerebral palsy and mobility are closely linked because it is a disorder which affects muscle coordination and body movement. Cerebral palsy is a motor disability. It can restrict a person’s mobility in…

Get a Complete Workout With These Limited Mobility Exercises

limited mobility exercises

Whether you’re injured, disabled, or have an illness which leaves you with limited mobility, you can still reap the full benefits that come with regular exercise. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In this article, we’ll go over a number of limited mobility exercises which you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. These limited…

ADA Handrail Specifications

ada handrail specifications

If you’re looking for ADA handrail specifications for wheelchair ramps, please see this post. The following article discusses ADA specifications for handrails used inside the home — specifically in the bathtub and near the toilet. ADA handrail specifications are a set of guidelines established by the Americans with Disabilities Act, which installers are encouraged to…

Don’t Sell Your House


Stay in your House with Stair LiftsWatch this video on YouTube Are you or a loved one having difficulties climbing up and down the stairs in your home? Have you considered moving? Save yourself the inconvenience and expense of finding another home and check out our latest video on purchasing a stairlift with Williams Lift Company. Visit…