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A Guide to Wheelchair Safety


Wheelchair use allows more independence today than ever before. However, despite widespread accessibility, you can’t disregard safety measures. Some situations will require an attendant’s help. Even after ordering the best wheelchair from your health supply provider, you have to take special precautions to ensure you use it properly. Reaching and Leaning Practice reaching for things,…

Understanding Safety for Those Who Use Walkers


Recommended by doctors for both temporary and long-term use, walkers provide mobility assistance to individuals whose joint stability, muscle mass, or range of motion is limited. When used correctly, walkers permit individuals who cannot get around without assistance but do not desire or require regular wheelchair use to maintain the sense of independence they cherish.…

3 Signs That Your Loved One May Need Home Mobility Aids


Increasing accessibility for disabled loved ones at home is not only a matter of convenience, but it’s also a matter of safety. Without the necessary mobility aids, it can be difficult for someone with disabilities to navigate his or her own home. This can lead to dangerous situations, such as falling or slipping. Take a…