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Aging in Place Technology: Aging in Place Home Modifications to Help You Live at Home Longer

aging in place technology

Aging in place technology is designed to help seniors stay in their own home as they get older. This is accomplished with a combination of modern day devices as well as aging in place home modifications. In this article, I will go over several pieces of technology that are key to independent living, as well…

Wheelchair Accessible Locations to Explore this Winter in NJ

wheelchair accessible

New Jersey is an excellent wheelchair accessible state, with plenty of locations and attractions built to meet the unique needs of all its visitors. In this post we will go over a few of those attractions, and discuss what there is to do in NJ during the winter months. Finding the Best Wheelchair Accessible Locations…

Aging in Place

aging in place

Aging in place, as defined by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, refers to the ability of an individual to live independently in their own home and community. Being able to age in place also means living safely and comfortably regardless of age, income, or level of ability. Aging in Place Means Planning…

Wheelchair Travel Tips

Traveling is an arduous task for anyone, even those who travel frequently for work or pleasure run into stressful situations from time to time. When it comes to traveling with a wheelchair that stress is multiplied, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an enjoyable time. Wheelchair travel can be made less stressful with proper…

Wheelchair Friendly Cars

When looking for wheelchair friendly cars, there are a few key features you’re going to want to have on your checklist. In this post we’ll provide you with a basic overview of what makes a car wheelchair friendly, as well as suggest a few models that are known for their accessibility. Your Checklist for Wheelchair…

Wheelchair Exercises

Wheelchair exercises are designed for people with limited mobility to get the full benefit of a fitness routine. By adopting a creative approach, wheelchair exercises can help you overcome your physical limitations with a variety of enjoyable new ways to exercise. Whether you have full mobility or limited mobility, a fitness routine should contain three…