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Dog Stairlifts: How to Get an Old Dog Up and Down the Stairs

Image of a brown and black shepherd dog for an article about how to get old dogs up and down stairs.

It isn’t just human beings that want to age gracefully and comfortably—it’s man’s best friend and other animals. Pets can be so helpful, particularly to those aging in place. But just like in humans, doggies can feel the effects of aging too, particularly regarding their mobility. If you have an elderly dog and stairs in…

Does Medicare Cover Stair Lifts: What You Need to Know


As you age there are more healthcare concerns as well as coverage questions. Does medicare cover stairlifts? The short answer is “no.” Healthcare often covers most medical essentials — such as doctors and hospital visits, surgery, and other medical assistance. Why doesn’t medicare cover stairlifts? They consider it a home modification rather than durable medical…

Wheelchair Pressure Sores: Benefits of Massage Therapy for Wheelchair Users


Wheelchair pressure sores happen to many wheelchair-bound individuals, whether it’s temporary or permanent. Users develop sores when there is constant pressure on one spot, and it can cause a slew of other issues—including infections. So, it’s no surprise sitting in a wheelchair all day might become uncomfortable or lead to sores. Learning how to prevent…

How Walking with a Prosthetic Leg Affects Mobility


Moving and walking are not something you can take for granted when walking with a prosthetic leg. Each movement must be intentional and taken with care. Learning to walk, run, and perform other activities will not happen overnight but with professional physical therapy and mindful practice. Read on if you’re wondering, “can you walk with…

Dementia and Balance: Why Does Dementia Affect Mobility?


While people discuss the mental effects of dementia, mobility often takes a backseat in the conversation.  Vascular dementia and mobility go hand in hand. Simply put, the disease affects the entire brain, and your brain assists in the control of movement. So, prepare yourself and your loved ones with knowledge and assist them along the…