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Last Updated on January 3, 2013


As a business owner, you will meet numerous clients over time with differing levels of mobility. For those clients who use a wheelchair to get around, it’s important that you make necessary modifications like installing handicap ramps to allow them the same comfort and hospitality as other customers. Here are four ways that you can keep your business wheelchair-friendly:

  • Install Ramps at Every Threshold: Doorways that have raised frames prevent wheelchairs from swiftly entering a room or building. An easy and inexpensive way to solve this problem is to install threshold ramps on either side of the entry point. They come in different heights to accommodate any threshold.
  • Increase Access with a Wheelchair Lift: If your building is less than two stories and doesn’t have an elevator, you can increase mobility for clients with wheelchairs by installing a wheelchair lift. This inexpensive alternative to an elevator will allow everyone to reach a loft or elevated level of your business.
  • Provide Plenty of Handicap Parking: Clients in wheelchairs will be less inclined to enter your business if they have to travel a great distance in the parking lot. Provide enough spaces close to the business. It’s also a legal requirement to allot a certain number of spaces for handicapped persons.
  • Make Sure Bathrooms Are Accessible: This space is often overlooked but should be designed to allow a wheelchair into at least one stall. A side railing along the toilet will help clients find enough support to help themselves in and out of the space easily.

These four accessibility solutions are just a few of the options available to small and large business owners. At Williams Lift Company, we’ve been helping New Jersey residents live an easier, more mobile life since 1947. To learn more about how we can help you, come visit us in Fairfield or give us a call today at 908-322-7070.

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