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Types of Wheelchair Ramps Near You in New Jersey

Student in wheelchair using ramp with other students nearby

Wheelchair-bound individuals face many accessibility challenges that many of us take for granted. One of the most significant challenges is moving up and down steps, which is why businesses and other buildings are required to have wheelchair ramps. At Williams Lift Company, we specialize in providing different types of wheelchair ramps to make your business or home in New Jersey more accessible.

Understanding Wheelchair Ramps

Wheelchair ramps are inclined surfaces that help those with mobility issues move up or down steps. These ramps are often seen outside buildings, allowing users to get inside safely and comfortably. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was implemented to ensure that commercial and government buildings are accessible to patrons with mobility issues. While these ramps are often known as wheelchair ramps, they are necessary for many other individuals, including:

  • Those who use canes, walkers, scooters, crutches, or other mobility devices
  • Those with prosthetics
  • Those with heart or respiratory conditions
  • Older individuals
  • Parents with children in strollers
  • Delivery personnel or anyone carrying large or heavy items

The ADA has put in place certain requirements for ramps, which is why so many turn to professionals like those at Williams Lift Company to ensure they meet all specific federal, state, and local codes and regulations. This includes ensuring the slope is no greater than 1:12, meaning for every one inch of vertical rise, the ramp section needs to be at least 12 inches long. There are also important ADA ramp requirements regarding a ramp’s width, edges, and surface texture, all of which help keep users from having accidents.

Modular Wheelchair Ramps

For those who need simple yet effective options, modular ramps are a great choice. These ramps contain several sections, which will be put together properly by our professionals, but they can be rearranged in the future if your needs change.

At Williams Lift Company, our modular ramps are made of aluminum, giving them several key advantages over wood models. First, they are quick and easy for our team to install, and they require little to no maintenance. Because they are modular, they don’t even require building permits, which saves building owners another headache. Their strong, rot- and rust-resistant design is also ideal for withstanding the harsh conditions New Jersey can offer.

Our models are also designed with non-skid surfaces, offering a textured feel that helps prevent users from slipping, even in wet conditions. They are also made and assembled in the USA, allowing you to trust their workmanship. Lastly, our modular offerings can support up to 1,000 pounds, making them a great choice for busy environments.

Portable Wheelchair Ramps

Whether you are often on the road with someone with accessibility concerns or you own a business that involves the transport of wheelchair-bound individuals or heavy items, a portable wheelchair ramp might be a necessity. These ramps, as the name suggests, are temporary wheelchair ramps that can be set up when needed and stored away when not needed.

Williams Lift Company carries the SUITCASE Signature Series handicap ramps, which offer a perfect mix of strength, style, and functionality. Because the live hinge extends over the entire length of the ramp, wheelchair users won’t need to worry about struggling to roll over bumps from hinges. Enhanced treads give it the same sturdy grip as other non-skin models, so you can feel confident that users will feel safe.

Our SUITCASE Signature Series ramps also come with built-in carry handles, making it easy to transport them where they are needed. They come in a wide range of sizes, allowing you to pick the option that works best for your needs. With a weight capacity of 800 pounds, these ramps are great for virtually any environment.

Threshold Ramps

Not every ramp needs to be large. Things like raised door frames can cause difficulty for wheelchair users to get over, which can make it hard for them to get inside or outside. Threshold ramps are slightly inclined pieces that can be placed on either side of a threshold to offer easy access.

The selection at Williams Lift Company includes a range of different heights, allowing you to find the one that fits just right. Our EZ-ACCESS Modular Threshold ramp is also freestanding, meaning it doesn’t need complex installation, and these ramps are free of seams to enable smooth rolling. They are also made of strong, dependable, and lightweight aluminum, ensuring long-lasting use.

Commercial Wheelchair Ramps

Commercial spaces require business owners to be mindful of those with accessibility concerns, which is why turning to the team at Williams Lift Company is the way to go. The last thing you want is an injury or lawsuit filed because your ramps weren’t properly constructed. Our commercial ramps are designed for safety but still help offer an aesthetic appeal, so they don’t stick out like a sore thumb in your space.

Wheelchair Ramp Services Near You

People throughout New Jersey can turn to the experts at Williams Lift Company for reliable ramps. Our services start with ramp installations you can count on. Our professionals have over 50 years of combined experience in the industry, allowing us to handle simple or complex jobs. We also work diligently to provide our team with the knowledge and skills they need to get the installation done right the first time.

Our process is simple. We’ll first meet with you to assess your space and your needs, allowing us to suggest the best ramp option. We’ll go over the entire process and answer any questions you have so we can get started as soon as possible. In most cases, the installation process only takes a few hours, and we’ll be sure to talk with you about safety tips and general guidelines before leaving.

We know that not all situations are the same, which is why we also let you rent a wheelchair ramp. This is ideal for residential situations, providing those who’ve had a recent injury or are recovering from a surgical procedure with a comfortable way to navigate their spaces. It is also helpful for homeowners who have guests visiting with mobility issues.

Find the Types of Wheelchair Ramps You Need at Williams Lift Company

If you are looking for a safe and easy way to stay compliant with ADA requirements and allow more guests to enter your facilities, professionally installed wheelchair ramps are a necessity. At Williams Lift Company, we provide different types of wheelchair ramps for customers throughout New Jersey.

We also understand people looking to add a ramp might not know what to expect, which is why we let home and business owners request an estimate. This 15- to 30-minute process will provide you with a quote to help you decide which option is right for your needs and your budget. When you are ready to take the first step toward adding a wheelchair ramp to your space, contact us today.