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Tips for Preventing Slip and Falls Among Seniors


Preventing Falls in the ElderlyWatch this video on YouTube For seniors, preventing slip and falls is essential for continued good health. Preventing these common injuries is a two-step process. First, take care to improve your own health through exercise and vitamin supplements. Secondly, work to improve your mobility by installing mobility aids in your home…

Williams Lift Company Featured on

Placeholder recently posted an article we were featured in titled “The Older Home: Ramps and lifts help those with limited mobility” on their website. Highlighting the mobility issues that some individuals face at home, this article brought attention to the various ways that a home can be updated to better fit the needs of these individuals…

A Guide to Wheelchair Safety


Wheelchair use allows more independence today than ever before. However, despite widespread accessibility, you can’t disregard safety measures. Some situations will require an attendant’s help. Even after ordering the best wheelchair from your health supply provider, you have to take special precautions to ensure you use it properly. Reaching and Leaning Practice reaching for things,…

Want To Know How You Can Have a More Mobile Life? Then Take a Look at These Links


Whether temporary or continuous, physical limitation does not have to hold you back from living a mobile life. Wheelchairs, powered scooters, lifts, and other mobility supplies can help you get around in an increasingly accessible world. Check out these links to learn more tips for improving safety and mobility. If you’ve ever sought out an…

Wheelchair Ramp – SUITCASE® Signature Series®

Placeholder One of the many options offered by Williams Lift Company includes the Signature Series Suitcase Ramp. As you will see in this video, this portable, non-skid ramp comes in lengths from two to eight feet and gives wheelchair users easy access both at and away from home. The first step in deploying this light…

Equal Access: The ADA and Increased Mobility for the Disabled [INFOGRAPHIC]


Mobility issues don’t have to make you a spectator in life. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 guarantees equal access to public places, transportation, and employment opportunities for the disabled, and with mobility aids, you can reclaim your independence. Chair lifts, wheelchair ramps, and bath lifts can all help you tackle obstacles like stairs…