Categories: Independent Senior Living

Independent Living Aids and You

Independent living aids are key to giving seniors safety while in the comfort of their own home. While it seems that employing these devices mean that we are admitting to aging, it is in fact an important part of maintaining life as we know it. As we, or our parents, age we look towards making sure that we can maintain our good health without sacrificing the things we worked hard to achieve. Employing these devices and techniques marries the best of health monitoring and freedom. Here at Williams Lifts, we compiled a list of independent living mobility aids to help you or a loved one maintain the best things in life.

Stair Lifts

Falling as a senior is the number one statistic on why we lose our independence as we get older. One of the first and easiest independent living aids to install in the home is a stair lift, which can be customized for your home without any major changes. They take out the uncertainty and fear of falling, releasing your mind from stress and worry. Stair lifts can be used in the dark and during power outages, allowing you to focus on other things in your life.

Safety Rails

Make the bathroom safe again by adding independent living aids for seniors to bring peace of mind for your family. Adding a safety rail to the bath to assist in the standing and sitting while bathing can decrease risks for falling. Also raising toilet seats by a few inches to ease your joints can decrease chances for injuries.

Independent Living Agencies and Communities

As we wrote before, there are many ways to maintain your lifestyle which can include hiring a independent living agency. There are services dedicated to independent living, especially for seniors with mobility issues. These agencies are there to ensure your dignity and respect your life, just providing the resources needed to continue your independence and assist you in making the best decisions for your life and health. It might mean going to an independent senior community which will also have the right equipment and trained staff to aid in your mobility.


Independent living aids are not always about major home installations. It can be as simple as purchasing pill boxes and filing information to make it easier to understand. Keeping everything clearly labeled allows for quicker access and offers understanding on what the next steps are in your life.

Independent Living Aids: In Summary

In this article, we wrote about the simple steps and tools you can do to achieve an independent life. Even though requiring mobility aids seems like a hard transition, it actually does the best when maintaining an independent lifestyle with less hassle. The aids that are out there today are designed to have the least hassle with the maximum mobility impact to ensure the highest quality for your continuing life. Contact Williams Lift today to see how you can integrate the best mobility aids for your home and family.

Published by
Susan Hackett

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